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Duodenal Switch in Mexico

Duodenal switch, otherwise known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch or gastric reduction with duodenal switch, is a weight-loss metabolism enhancing surgery. It combines restrictive and malabsorptive surgery in order to reduce the patient’s weight and help control diabetes. This surgery reduces both the amount of food that the stomach can contain at a time, and also the number of calories absorbed and used by the organism.

How does duodenal switch surgery work?

Duodenal switch surgery is performed in our state-of-the-art hospital in Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara, the patient is treated under general anesthesia. Being a laparoscopic procedure, the surgeon starts by making a few inch-long incisions in the middle of the abdomen and stomach area. The restrictive part of this procedure consists of removing the curvature of the stomach, thus resulting in a stomach 70% smaller approximately, but able to hold 5 to 6 ounces of food. The malabsorptive segment of the duodenal switch is represented by the rearrangement of the small intestine, in order not to allow the flow of bile and pancreatic secretions to digest the food, therefore inhibits the absorption of calories and some nutrients. Down the intestinal path, the two segments are rejoined, this enabling the organism to absorb roughly 20% of the fat eaten.
Duodenal Switch Surgery

Duodenal Switch in Mexico – Benefits

The primary advantage is that obese patients rarely require other type of intervention, this procedure guaranteeing excess weight loss, and there is a very low risk of significant weight regain.
Duodenal switch is partly reversible, as the intestine is not removed, only rerouted, and it can be reversed, the effect being that of a gastric sleeve.

Duodenal Switch risks and considerations

Patients undergoing duodenal switch surgery are requested to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Commonly, they need to follow a diet and are prescribed daily multivitamins, calcium, and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
The restrictive part of the surgery is not reversible, since a good part of the stomach is removed. Despite this, some reversal is possible as the stomach expands over time.
Duodenal switch patients require mandatory lifelong treatment and periodic blood tests to check for critical deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.

Surgical risks: small bowel, duodenum or stomach leaks and infection.
Long term risks: hernia and bowel obstruction.

Who is a candidate for duodenal switch?

Patients will be required to have a body mass index of minimum 40. Individuals with a BMI of 35 and more may also be candidates, as long as they have type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or other related diseases.

Cost of duodenal switch in Mexico

The average cost of duodenal switch in Mexico depends on hospital and surgeon, and also location. In our private hospital Dr Jose A. Castaneda performs duodenal switch up to 40% to 50% less expensive than in the US or Canada, check pricing and contact us to request a Free Quote today.

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